Creating Players

Production use cases utilize API endpoints to create players.

This is done by calling the Create Player endpoint.

curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: {{API_KEY}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
     "uniqueId": "888",
     "image": "",
     "userData": {
          "exp": 0,
          "premium": false,
          "username": "hotpotato123"

A player object consists of a uniqueId, an image, and userData fields:

  • uniqueId - String value that can represent a player username or an ID that exists within in your game.
  • image - String value that represents an image URL for your player. This can be used to easily identifying a user in the Developer Dashboard.
  • userData - JSON object containing custom descriptive traits about the user.

In response to creating a player, Stardust will return a playerId which can used to reference the player in Stardust when performing actions such as minting a token.

    "playerId": "e3192216-3c2e-4403-b849-77d8829648a0",
    "exp": 0,
    "premium": false,
    "username": "hotpotato123",
    "image": ""


Storing the playerId

We recommend storing your Stardust playerId 1-to-1 with your Unique player Id.

Player Item Balances

To see a list of Items in a Player's wallet, call List Item Balances and pass the playerId.