This guide describes listing an NFT on the OpenSea exchange with the Stardust API/SDK, OpenSea API/SDK, and the ethers library. Follow the OpenSeaSDK Docs to perform operations other than creating a listing.


  • Node.js installed on your system
  • Stardust API key and wallet Id or profile Id
  • OpenSea API Key
  • dotenv, ethers v6, and opensea-js libraries


  1. Install Dependencies

    First, install the OpenSea SDK

    npm i opensea-js
  2. Create a .env file


Code Example

Create a listing on OpenSeaSDK with a Stardust wallet:

ethers v6

import dotenv from 'dotenv';

import { ethers, getDefaultProvider } from 'ethers_v6';
import { StardustCustodialSDK } from '@stardust-gg/stardust-custodial-sdk';
import { OpenSeaSDK, Chain } from "opensea-js";


// Configuration
const stardustAPIKey = process.env.PROD_SYSTEM_STARDUST_API_KEY!;
const profileId = process.env.PROD_SYSTEM_STARDUST_PROFILE_ID!;

async function main() {
    // Initialize Provider
    const provider = getDefaultProvider('matic');

    // Initialize Stardust SDK
    const sdk = new StardustCustodialSDK(stardustAPIKey);

    // Get Wallet
    const profile = await sdk.getProfile(profileId);
    const { wallet } = profile;

    // Get V6 Signer
    const signer: ethers.Signer & {address?: string} = wallet.ethers.v6.getSigner(provider);

    //! OpenSea SDK expects signer to have address as a property
    signer.address = await signer.getAddress();

	// Instantiate OpenSeaSDK with a stardust signer
	const openseaSDK = new OpenSeaSDK(signer, {
		chain: Chain.Polygon,
		apiKey: process.env.OPENSEA_API_KEY,

	// Dummy values, replace with actual values.
	const tokenId = '1';
	const tokenAddress = '0x0Eccb65C249c019289505093F28555e8339E1e64';
	const accountAddress = '0xd6dCA30fd4061e16683B62ac21c1c69734eE2eB3';

	// Expire this auction one day from now.
	// Note that we convert from the JavaScript timestamp (milliseconds) to seconds:
	const expirationTime = Math.round( / 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24);

	const listing = await openseaSDK.createListing({
	  asset: {
	  startAmount: 3,

	console.log(`Successfully created OpenSea listing: ${listing}`)
