Creating Your First Game

How to build your first Stardust powered Game

Creating an Account

To start, you will need to register an account on the Developer Dashboard to access Stardust features.

Create an account by clicking New to Stardust? Create an account. You can register with your email address or use an existing Google or Discord account.

Sign in

Sign in



Once you've registered, you will receive a confirmation code in your email where you will be redirected to a page to enter your confirmation code.

If you did not receive an email with your confirmation code, please check your spam or junk folder.

Creating a Game

Once you sign in, you will see the Developer Dashboard.

Developer Dashboard

Developer Dashboard

To add a new game, click the Create Game button.

Create New Game

Create New Game

Add the following information about your game:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Images
  • Blockchain

By default, new games will be created on the testnet. Reach out to us to help you launch your game on the mainnet.


Use a Game Icon

Although it's not required to upload a game icon to create a game, it certainly helps! While editing your game, your game icon will be displayed in the left navigation bar to indicate the game you've selected, and ensure you're making the edits to the correct game.

Once you've completed the form, click Create Game.


Changing blockchain

Once a game is created, you cannot edit the chain at a later date. In order to select a different chain, you will need to create a new game.

You've just created your first game on the blockchain!

Game Overview

Game Overview

Getting your API Key

Click on the API Keys tab and click the Add API Key button. You are able to create multiple keys which can be set as active or inactive. These keys enable access to the full Stardust API.

API Keys

API Keys

You have now created your API key and are ready to begin using the Stardust API!